BSU bulletin
Mathematics, Informatics

BSU Bulletin. Mathematics, Informatics

Bibliographic description:
Toktoshov G. Y.
Migov D. A.
ON THE OPTIMIZATION OF MISCELLANEOUS UTILITY NETWORKS // BSU Bulletin. Mathematics, Informatics. - 2019. №1. . - С. 78-90.
DOI: 10.18101/2304-5728-2019-1-78-90UDK: 51-7
The article deals with the problem of utility network optimization according to the criterion of the total construction cost minimum. In addition, we take into account the reliability constraints, so the future network must also meet preset reliability threshold. It is assumed that failures occur in communication channels of the pri- mary network, and nodes in the secondary network should be connected reliably enough. Three characteristics are considered as indicators of reliability. We have proposed a new methodology for modeling utility networks, which unlike classical models allows taking into account the hierarchy of the future network, and its com- patibility with other existing or newly developed miscellaneous networks. As a re- sult, we have obtained an algorithm for construction of utility networks, which can be applied to modernize the existing networks, or to create new ones in accordance with the plan for development of modern cities. This method for constructing mis- cellaneous networks takes into account the features of network types at the stage of their development, as well as their hierarchy. In addition, the approximate algorithm proposed in the article allows us to construct the cheapest and at the same time reli- able network object.
distribution area; target products; consumers; linear facility; utility network; trace; primary network; secondary network; graph; hypernet; reliability; heuristics; alternative route.
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