BSU bulletin
Mathematics, Informatics

BSU Bulletin. Mathematics, Informatics

Bibliographic description:
Serebryansky S. М.
Tyrsin A. N.
IMPROVING ТНЕ ACCURACY OF SOLVING INVERSE PROBLEMS WIТH INНERENТ ERRORS // BSU Bulletin. Mathematics, Informatics. - 2018. №4. . - С. 58-71.
DOI: 10.18101/2304-5728-2018-4-58-71UDK: 519.254
Тhе article deals with the issues related to the staЬility of inverse proЫems solution with respect to the exact setting of boundary conditions. 1n practical applications, as а rule, the theoretical form of the boundary conditions functional dependence is unde­ fined or unknown, and there are random measurement eпors. Studies have shown that this leads to а significant decrease in the accuracy of the inverse proЫem solution. 1n order to improve the accuracy of solving inverse proЫems, it was proposed to refine the functional form of the boundary conditions using the recognition of the form of the mathematical model of dependence with the subsequent approximation of the behavior of а physical quantity at the boundary Ьу this function. Restoration of the dependence form is performed Ьу the recognition method based on the reverse display. We have given the model examples of implementation in the presence of additive random meas­ urement eпors and an unknown form ofboundary conditions dependence.
inverse proЫem; recognition; functional dependence; model; inverse function; sampling; variance; approximation.
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