BSU bulletin
Mathematics, Informatics

BSU Bulletin. Mathematics, Informatics

Bibliographic description:
Bokhoeva L. A.
Bochektueva E. B.
MODELING AND CALCULATION OF THE STABILITY OF THIN LAYERS IN A SPHERICAL SHELL // BSU Bulletin. Mathematics, Informatics. - 2018. №2. . - С. 77-84.
Работа выполнена при поддержке госзадания Минобрнауки РФ, проект

№9.7667.2017/БЧ, проект № 9.11221.2018/11.12
DOI: 10.18101/2304-5728-2018-2-77-84UDK: 539.3
At present, structural elements made of layered composite materials are widely used, especially in aircraft industry. Composite materials (CM) are characterized by high values of rigidity and strength, they are easily processed and operated in a wide range of temperatures, these makes them materials with almost limitless pos- sibilities. The use of multilayer CM requires taking into account the anisotropy of mechanical characteristics and the possibility that hidden defects may exist on the interfaces of individual layers. Layer separation is a widespread type of defect, and quite often it becomes a determining factor in the possibility of using CM. The arti- cle first solves the problem of stability of thin layers located near the inner surface of a compressed spherical shell made of layered composite materials. We have pre- sented the energy method for solving the stability of thin layers located near the in- ternal surface, and carried out a computer simulation of the multi-layer shell in ANSYS system and calculation of the supercritical deformations of a spherical shell in layer separation zone.
interlayer defects; detachment; energy method; composite materials; cri- teria; thin-walled elements of structures; model; finite elements method.
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