BSU bulletin
Mathematics, Informatics

BSU Bulletin. Mathematics, Informatics

Bibliographic description:
Baglaev I. I.
Kinematic method of surface modeling in FMSLogo programming environment // BSU Bulletin. Mathematics, Informatics. - 2016. №1. . - С. 49-59.
Kinematic method of surface modeling in FMSLogo programming environment
DOI: 10.18101/2304-5728-2016-1-49-59UDK: 004.925.83:514.182.22
Computer geometry as a new area of applied mathematics enables effective modeling of spatial objects and creating their images directly on the screen. The article deals with the method of surfaces mathematical visualization using the possibilities of Russian localization spatial mode in FMSLogo program- ming environment.
The way to define the surface by displacement of curves in space is called kinematic. This method is illustrated on the examples of two classes of kinematic modeling surfaces: nonruled and ruled. In the paper we have presented the cases images of such surfaces as surfaces of revolution, canal surfaces, developable surfaces, hyperboloids of one sheet, oblique surfaces, helicoids and several others, as well as listings of programs for their modeling. The presented material may be useful for the readers who are of interest in computer geometry; also it may help in development of modern technologies of three- dimensional modeling.
analytical and kinematic methods of defining surfaces, not ruled and ruled surfaces, surfaces of revolution, canal surface, developable and non-developable surface, space mode of FMSLogo programming environment, right bank / left bank, upgradient / downgradient, left / right, forward / back.
List of references:
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